Features: Than Dinh Mount is a beautiful site attracting many tourists to visit and sightsee.
From Dong Hoi city along Ho Chi Minh route (east branch) to the south approximately 20kilometers to An Ninh commune, turn right and follow the asphalted road about 8 kilometers, visitors will come to the foot of Than Dinh Mount. If traveling by the waterway, going on a boat from Nhat Le river or Kien Giang River across Long Dai Bridge to Changchun commune, and then going by pathway over 2 kilometers, visitors can also visit the mountain area.
Than Dinh Mountain
The mountain shaped like a big stack, but its top is relatively flat. To reach the top of the mountain, visitors must pass more than 1,200 stone steps with luxuriant vegetation growing two sides of road.
>>> Other :dalat is quite different from anywhere else you'll visit in Vietnam.
The more you go to a high place, the more the air is cool and fresh. After climbing up about two-thirds the way, travelers will visit a large cave called the Temple Cave. In front of the cave, on the left, it has Chuong cave, on the right, it has Huu cave because stalactites in the cave drooped and knocked resounding like bell and drum sound. The door of pagoda in the cave is narrow, so, if you want to go in, you must worm an inclination of the body. Inside the cave there are rocks in table shape, chair, there are many small stones in Buddha and fairy shape above. From the cave ceiling drooped numerous stalactites diversified shape very spectacular. Next, climbing about 300 stone steps under the mountain, visitors will catch fairy wells with full of limpid and fresh water.
>>> Other :Go to danang vietnam is in close proximity to Hue- 3 hours North and Hoi An- 30 minutes South
Than Dinh Mountain
After reaching the top of Than Dinh Mount located in an altitude of 405 meters above sea level, tourists will see Kim Phong Pagoda (Non Pagoda).
Legend it has that Kim Phong pagoda was founded in the 21st Chinh Hoa (1701). The pagoda’s a nun is An Kha monk – an intelligent, ingenious and gentle person. Before her death, a monk cut a little finger marked “Nail” and put in the censer bottom in the temple, the rest of finger marked “Spirit.” Later, he reincarnated in the form of Qianlong Emperor (1736-1796) of China (Emperor Qianlong after birth also lost a part of little finger). When having a feeling in a previous incarnation, Qianlong is motive with Kim Phong pagoda, Emperor Qian Long ordered cast a bell and asked the navy to give Kim Phong pagoda. Unfortunately, the boat which transports the bell coming to the estuary of Nhat Le, it was drowned by the storm.
Than Dinh Mountain
Later, an angler in Bo Trach district in once trawling pulled this bell, the bell marked: “Than Dinh pagoda’s Bell” and “Qian Long worship liturgically,” so it was brought into Kim Long pagoda to worship.
Through many vicissitudes and changes, Kim Phong pagoda only remains moss stonewalls preserving traces of ancient pagoda. Currently, at Pho Minh Pagoda (Duc Ninh commune, Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province) hung an ancient bronze bell like the bell of King Qian Long. When being slanted toward the right of Kim Phong pagoda about 20 meters, on a flat land, there is also an ancient temple roof in fish scales, altar remains intact.
Than Dinh Mountain
When standing on top of the mountain, visitors also have the occasion to see the beautiful scenery of Quang Binh with Rao Tru River, Rao Da bow now appearing under the foot of mountain behind green trees or the gentle Nhat Le and Kien Giang River embrace Quan Hau town – economic center of Quang Ninh district. Ho Chi Minh route is as a white silk crossing the river, creating a vivid picture.
Than Dinh Mountain
After sightseeing Than Dinh mountain, tourists can visit the temple and the tomb of Le Thanh Hau Nguyen Huu Canh, the tomb of Hoang Hoi Khanh famous general (Truong Thuy Commune, Le Thuy district) or visit to the Memorial House of Great- General Vo Nguyen Giap (Loc Thuy commune, Le Thuy district). These are typical history sites of Quang Binh,
Than Dinh Mountain
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From Dong Hoi city along Ho Chi Minh route (east branch) to the south approximately 20kilometers to An Ninh commune, turn right and follow the asphalted road about 8 kilometers, visitors will come to the foot of Than Dinh Mount. If traveling by the waterway, going on a boat from Nhat Le river or Kien Giang River across Long Dai Bridge to Changchun commune, and then going by pathway over 2 kilometers, visitors can also visit the mountain area.
>>> Other : sa
pa is a frontier township and capital of Sa Pa
District in Lào Cai Province in northwest Vietnam
The mountain shaped like a big stack, but its top is relatively flat. To reach the top of the mountain, visitors must pass more than 1,200 stone steps with luxuriant vegetation growing two sides of road.
>>> Other :dalat is quite different from anywhere else you'll visit in Vietnam.
The more you go to a high place, the more the air is cool and fresh. After climbing up about two-thirds the way, travelers will visit a large cave called the Temple Cave. In front of the cave, on the left, it has Chuong cave, on the right, it has Huu cave because stalactites in the cave drooped and knocked resounding like bell and drum sound. The door of pagoda in the cave is narrow, so, if you want to go in, you must worm an inclination of the body. Inside the cave there are rocks in table shape, chair, there are many small stones in Buddha and fairy shape above. From the cave ceiling drooped numerous stalactites diversified shape very spectacular. Next, climbing about 300 stone steps under the mountain, visitors will catch fairy wells with full of limpid and fresh water.
>>> Other :Go to danang vietnam is in close proximity to Hue- 3 hours North and Hoi An- 30 minutes South
After reaching the top of Than Dinh Mount located in an altitude of 405 meters above sea level, tourists will see Kim Phong Pagoda (Non Pagoda).
Legend it has that Kim Phong pagoda was founded in the 21st Chinh Hoa (1701). The pagoda’s a nun is An Kha monk – an intelligent, ingenious and gentle person. Before her death, a monk cut a little finger marked “Nail” and put in the censer bottom in the temple, the rest of finger marked “Spirit.” Later, he reincarnated in the form of Qianlong Emperor (1736-1796) of China (Emperor Qianlong after birth also lost a part of little finger). When having a feeling in a previous incarnation, Qianlong is motive with Kim Phong pagoda, Emperor Qian Long ordered cast a bell and asked the navy to give Kim Phong pagoda. Unfortunately, the boat which transports the bell coming to the estuary of Nhat Le, it was drowned by the storm.
Later, an angler in Bo Trach district in once trawling pulled this bell, the bell marked: “Than Dinh pagoda’s Bell” and “Qian Long worship liturgically,” so it was brought into Kim Long pagoda to worship.
Through many vicissitudes and changes, Kim Phong pagoda only remains moss stonewalls preserving traces of ancient pagoda. Currently, at Pho Minh Pagoda (Duc Ninh commune, Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province) hung an ancient bronze bell like the bell of King Qian Long. When being slanted toward the right of Kim Phong pagoda about 20 meters, on a flat land, there is also an ancient temple roof in fish scales, altar remains intact.
When standing on top of the mountain, visitors also have the occasion to see the beautiful scenery of Quang Binh with Rao Tru River, Rao Da bow now appearing under the foot of mountain behind green trees or the gentle Nhat Le and Kien Giang River embrace Quan Hau town – economic center of Quang Ninh district. Ho Chi Minh route is as a white silk crossing the river, creating a vivid picture.
After sightseeing Than Dinh mountain, tourists can visit the temple and the tomb of Le Thanh Hau Nguyen Huu Canh, the tomb of Hoang Hoi Khanh famous general (Truong Thuy Commune, Le Thuy district) or visit to the Memorial House of Great- General Vo Nguyen Giap (Loc Thuy commune, Le Thuy district). These are typical history sites of Quang Binh,